Just a few weeks ago, the Central bank of Canada aggressively cut interest rates in order to slow the spread of the US economic downturn to Canada. Accordingly, investors were quite bearish on the Canadian Dollar. With the price of oil surging, however, the Loonie has regained some of its luster, inching back towards parity with the Dollar. If commodity prices remain at current levels, Canada may avoid an economic recession. Economists have scaled back expectations that the BOC will have to continue cutting interest rates. Nonetheless, the median investor expectation is for a sustained decline in the Loonie, perhaps to $1.08 by year end. Bloomberg News reports:
The loonie, as the currency is known because of the image of the bird on the one-dollar coin, has traded near parity with its U.S. counterpart this year after climbing 17 percent in 2007.
Read More: Canada’s Dollar Reaches Two-Month High as Oil Surges to Record

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